
I present regularly for local and international educational organizations and institutions on a variety of topics in the realm of technology and education. I started presenting at CATESOL in 2013 and found that there was a crowd thirsty for information about modern techniques for the ESL classroom. Early in 2016 the CATESOL Inland Empire chapter asked me to lead a workshop which turned out to be their best-attended and highest rated to date. I regularly present for CUE, and have been invited to present for world-class tech organizations like Google and Microsoft.

I enjoy helping teachers explore options to expand their teaching beyond the walls of their classroom. Presenting gives me the opportunity to learn from and share with other teachers, as well as to make sure I am on top of the latest pedagogy in the field.

Below is a semi-exhaustive, but incomplete list of my presentations and workshops:


  • Prompt Engineering for English Language Teachers – JALT CALL 2024 (May 2024)
  • The Changing Landscape of Teaching Jobs in the World of AI – CATESOL TELL-IG Panel Discussion (May 2024) ***Invited Panelist
  • AI in the English Language Classroom – Kobe JALT (April 2024) ***Workshop Leader
  • Equity and Artificial Intelligence – Moreno Valley College, DE Summit (March 2024) ***Keynote Speaker
  • AI in the English Language Classroom – Columbia University (February 2024) ***Invited Speaker
  • AI in the English Language Classroom 5-Day Workshop – TESOL International (February 2024) ***Workshop Leader
  • The AI Age: Flying Forward into Today – ImmerseCon (February 2024) ***Keynote Speaker
  • Continuing Ed with AI – Santa Ana College, School of Continuing Education (January 2024) ***Flex Week Keynote Speaker
  • AI in the EFL Classroom – Konan University (January 2024) ***Invited Speaker


  • AI & Language Development – Seasons of CS Code ‘n Play by CS for CA (December 2023) ***Invited Speaker
  • The Digital Classroom Revolution: Adapting Teaching Approaches for the 21st Century – EdYou Marathon (November 2023) ***Invited Speaker
  • Bringing Artificial Intelligence into Your Classroom – TechHighEd II Conference – Air University, Pakistan (November 2023) ***Keynote Speaker
  • ChatGPT for ESL – South Orange County Regional Consortium (October 2023) ***Invited co-presenter
  • Bringing Artificial Intelligence into Your Classroom – TESOL International (September 2023)
  • AI in the Classroom – Convocation Speaker for Imperial Valley College – (August 2023)
  • AI in the Classroom – INGED Turkiye (May 2023) ***Invited Speaker
  • AI as Your TA – CUE Learns (May 2023) ***Invited Speaker
  • Using ChatGPT/Artificial Intelligence to Facilitate Learning and Instruction – TESOL Ukraine (May 2023) ***Invited Panelist
  • Using AI in Your Office – Part II Special Presentation for CATESOL Technology Enhanced Language Learners Interest Group (May 2023)
  • Using AI with Your Students – CATESOL Technology Enhanced Language Learners Interest Group (April 2023)
  • AI in the Classroom – Bay Area CATESOL (April 2023) **Featured Speaker
  • Using AI in the Classroom: A Teacher’s Lens – Loyola Marymount University – IDEAL Institute (April 2023) ***Invited Speaker
  • Navigating the Benefits and Challenges of Generative AI – Spring CUE (March 2023) ***Invited Panelist
  • ChatGPT in the Classroom – Spring CUE (March 2023)
  • CUE BOOM – Spring CUE (March 2023)
  • AI & Academic Writing: What’s Next? – Middle East Technical University (March 2023) ***Invited Panelist
  • Ways to Use ChatGPT for Students and Teachers – Cerritos College (February 2023) ***Invited Speaker
  • ChatGPT for ELLs – CUE Rock Star – (February 2023)
  • English Language Levers (Simple Tools for Heavy Lifts) – CUE Rock Star – (February 2023)
  • An Introduction to the 360 Classroom – IVC Flex Week (January 2023)


  • #Ungrading – Fall CUE – Stockton (October 2022)
  • Finding the Fun in Feedback – ELT Summit (July 2021) *Opening Plenary Speaker
  • EdTech Tools to Support UDL – ISTELive (June 2022)
  • Finding the Fun in Feedback – Spring CUE – Palm Springs (March 2022)
  • #Ungrading – Spring CUE – Palm Springs (March 2022)







  • Make a Podcast Today! Poster Presentation – CATESOL OC Fall Workshop – Fullerton (December 2016)
  • Back to the Future, Docs! Using Google Docs to Improve Student Writing – Annual CATESOL Conference – San Diego (November 2016)
    *Presentation File: Back to the Future, Docs!
  • What Does Good Teaching Look Like? – EdCampLA – Los Angeles (October 2016)
  • Can You Hear Me Now? A Technology Integrated Workshop on Finding Student Voice in the ESL Classroom – Inland Empire CATESOL Workshop – Riverside (May 2016)
    *Presentation Website: Can You Hear Me Now?



  • The Single iPad Classroom – Annual CATESOL Conference – San Diego (Oct. 2013)
  • Turn Your iPad into a Smartboard – Annual CATESOL Conference – San Diego (Oct. 2013)
  • Turn Your iPad into a Smartboard – Los Angeles Regional CATESOL Conference (March 2013)